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WAM Latin - Blending Cultures

11/04/2017  |  Miami, Florida
Case history
WAM Latin is probably the “oddest” out of all WAMGROUP® subsidiaries. Established in 2000 as the first one in the new millennium, WAM Latin is the only branch of the Group not headquartered in its assigned territory. 

It is also the trading subsidiary with the largest number of countries covered. Being multi-lingual and multi-cultured is therefore indispensable for WAM Latin’s core team in Miami. Their territory stretching from the northern parts of South America, across Central America, except Mexico, to the countless islands of the Caribbean, requires almost continuous travelling to manage their widely ramified dealer network.

A constant investment in training regional salespeople has proved to be a wise choice by WAM Latin’s general manager, David Ongini (see front-page interview). In a territory where plant manufacturers are almost absent, becoming the end users’ not only equipment supplier but also competent consultant
on what is the best solution to a problem is of paramount importance. Pursuing this strategy means to lay the foundations to brand recognition, an objective that has been already successfully achieved
in WAMGROUP®’s core business, building and construction. In other industries, Ongini and his team have already set the course
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